Last week's big snowfall has turned the Hillside into a fat-bike-only zone, at least for now. Until the trails firm up again, it'll be torturous for anyone on skinny tires. Combined with sub-zero cold, the soft trail conditions turned Saturday night's Frigid Bits race into a social ride because everyone without Endomorphs stayed home. Come to think of it, most of the people with Endomorphs stayed home.
Grillmeister Kelly led a four-rider group on Fatbacks and Pugsleys, and Endo Rando joined us out on the swamp loop, where the temp was about 10 below zero. We were out for 90 minutes or more, which would have been enough if I hadn't convinced myself earlier in the day that I should ride round-trip from home for a good, long workout.
I left home at 5:30 in the afternoon, and rolled back in the driveway just before 11 p.m. while feelin' the pain of being out nearly five and a half hours in the dark (and cold), with damn near all of it spent turning the pedals.
That's the kind of night on a bike that makes you feel really good in a day or so ... after you've regained some energy and forgot how you spent the last couple of miles muttering to yourself, "I'm gettin' too old for this shit."
(Thanks to Steve for the frosty pic taken at the end of Speedway Singletrack.)
Dang! Those fang-sicles were awesome. You are to be commended for your unwussyness and not asking for a ride home. I checked the Campbell Creek Science Center weather station info when I got home and it was -13. Whoa!
Grill Meister
By the time I got home, the thought of hitching a ride was starting to sound good! But once the ice melted off my face and I had a shower and poured a glass of wine, it all felt like a good idea again.
Our small group last night made me feel like one of the Frozen Chosen. It takes true devotion for anyone to get out and ride in those temps. I'm just proud to be part of such a hardcore crowd.
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