Over the years, I've picked up tires levers, wrenches, bungee cords and cash. My all-time greatest find was a Leatherman tool that was perfectly functional after a quick cleaning in my kitchen sink. I still keep it in my 4Runner for emergencies.
This has been a slow summer for trail scavenging, but I finally scored last week while riding home from work. I was only a couple of miles from the house when I rolled past a DVD box that was laying in an otherwise clean bike lane, so I decided to turn around and check it out.
Cha-ching! A virtually new copy of Basic Instinct 2. Not a single scratch on the disc.
So it didn't get great reviews. So maybe a few people actually made fun of it. So maybe it wasn't lost so much as it was intentionally tossed out the window of a moving car.
It was free, dammit. And it's the uncut, unrated version, so how bad could it be?
Don't answer that.
I find all sorts of cools stuff too. My Topeak multi tool is one I found. Maglights, bungees, wrenches, watches, sun glasses, gloves...
Many of my riding buddies ride right over this stuff. Maybe it's my low self esteem that keeps me gazing down at the ground.
I ran across a big pack of Asian porn DVDs once. My favorite road find is the Topeak Alien that somebody left behind up beyond Ward, Colorado.
So the porn was found on a dirt trail, then?
If we hurry, it may still be there, intact and viewable.
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