Friday, June 18, 2010

Best of Whitehorse: The Fingers

Last week's trip was another killer week of daily riding on new terrain with a fun group of friends. Of course, I can't shoot pics of friends without gettin' a few birds flipped my way. Here are the best of the week.

Jules sneaks in a last-second bird
before riding out of the frame.

Heather, the woman who started
this madness, lets me know how
she feels about efforts to photograph
her near-death experience on a bluff
above the Yukon River.

Ken, H and Anthony team up
for a late-night photo at our camp
in Whitehorse. The previous tenants
seem to have left a few beer bottles
laying around. We cleaned them up.

Next week, we'll have a previously unpublished
Finger Foto from the one and only akdeluxe,
standing next to France's most windproof outhouse.

1 comment:

MELI. said...

looks like fun :D